Hyzer Creek Disc Golf Course

Hyzer Creek is an 18-hole disc golf course about 13 miles west of Saratoga Springs, New York, at 7272 Barkersville Road in the Town of Providence, NY. 

It has hills and water, open holes, woods holes, long "grip and rip" holes, and tight finesse holes. SSA is 55. Overnight camping is free. This course is in the southern Adirondacks in a very rural, quiet area. Course length 6177 feet and par 63, with 11 par 3 holes, 5 par 4's, and 2 par 5's. Elevation changes on almost every hole. Course statistics.

Hyzer Creek is owned and operated by local disc golfers, who built the course by adopting fairways and sponsoring pins.
List of pin sponsors is here.

Course is open 24/365, unless buried under snow. Visitors welcome if they sign a liability waiver. There is no need to contact anybody ahead of time, just show up, sign the waiver, and play. If the course is closed due to heavy snow, a notice will appear at the top of this page. If there is no notice, it means the course is open.


What is disc golf?


Course Map and Score Cards

Where do I get discs?



History of the course


No Poison Ivy

  DisCap Dream Course  

 Battle of Saratoga

October 5, 2024

Hyzer Creek was voted 34th best disc golf course in the world in 2008, 48th best in 2010, and 49th best in 2011, out of over 4000 courses.

April Showers


  Television---------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpTw6Wicqf4


Newspaper: ------- The Glens Falls Post Star 2002
This course has been in the newspapers and on television!! Newspaper:-------- The Saratogian 2003
  Newspaper:---------The Saratogian 2010
  Newspsper:---------The Saratogian 2018

For today's weather at Hyzer Creek click here:


PHOTO   GALLERY       click thumbnail for photo, click photo to enlarge           

1 tee

1 green

2 tee

3 ace run

3 green

4 tee

4 upshot

4 pin

5 tee

5 from dogleg

6 tee

7 tee

7 green

8 tee

8 green

9 tee

9 green

10 tee

10 green

11 tee

11 pin

12 tee

12 in the fall

12 mid-fairway

12 in action

12 green

13 tee

13 green

14 tee

14 pin

15 tee

15 mid-fairway

15 upshot

15 green

16 tee

16 pin in creek

16 pin in winter

17 tee pad

17 dogleg and green

18 tee

18 upshot



Map 1. Map to Saratoga ||||||||||||||||||

Map 2. Map to Hyzer Creek from Saratoga |||||||||||||||||

Map 3. Detailed map to Hyzer Creek |||||||||||||||||

Directions from Saratoga. At Starbucks, take Rt. 29 west for 12.9 miles and turn right onto Barkersville Rd. On Barkersville Rd, go 2.9 miles to #7272 Barkersville Rd, and you are there. Look for "Hyzer Creek" on mailbox. Make sure you bear right at the fork in downtown Barkersville and look for the tiny arrow that says "Barkersville Rd" at the fork.

Directions from Rochester, Syracuse, etc. Take Thruway to exit 27 (Amsterdam) go north on rt. 30  for 9 or 10 miles to route 29, turn right and go 10.4 miles to Barkersville Rd, turn left onto Barkersville Rd. and follow the directions from above.

Directions from downstate. Take the Thruway to exit 24 and take I-87 to exit 13 N to Saratoga, and follow directions above from Saratoga.

Direction from Glens Falls, and other points north. Take the Northway to exit 15, go through downtown Saratoga and follow from "Directions from Saratoga" from above.

hyzercreekwatercolor.jpg (76001 bytes)

Painting "Hyzer Creek" by Morgan Wright
Note: Painted 3 years before hole 16 was built.

Philosophy of the course design

Email course owner Morgan Wright: dualkubota at yahoo dot com